Solid-State Microwave Control and Data Collection System
Start Date: August 2020
End Date: May 2021
Main Technologies Used: Python, Arduino, Solid-State, Autodesk Inventor, Microsoft Office
Description: This project was my senior design project during my undergraduate college career. I completed this project alongside my partner Benjamin Cruz. The project lasted two semesters and began with only three components given to us. We were given the solid-state generator, the microwave cavity, and the fiber optic temperature sensor box/cables.
We worked intensely until the last minute to have the best senior design project we could have. We added many extra components from the de-humidifying fan, the thermal imaging camera, the post-heating higher-resolution temperature collection device, many designed and 3D printed parts, to the main part of our system the software/GUI.
With everything connected and turned on, the software/GUI is what ties the whole system together. It allows communication with all the parts by collecting data and passing data/information to each of the components. Takes in a predefined set of instructions to control the system and can also post-process the data via the thermal images and/or the post-heating temperature collection device.